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How to Use Tongue Twisters for Better Pronunciation

Bounded Tongues

We all know these creepy statements everybody should have to pronounce to make the adults sure we are not idiots. Just kidding. To be honest, many people apply to different learning centers to have their help on mastering the English language. And it is not even embarrassing as many may think. Only those people who do nothing with their pronunciation to improve themselves, should be ashamed.

Here we will talk about the importance of tongue twisters for a proper language learning and give you some tips on everything concerning it. Remember that a language is not just grammar and vocabulary mastered – a complete painting will make an accent, to be precise, its absence. It gives that unique opportunity to be fully immersed into the society. So, let’s get started with!

What Is a Tongue Twister?

Group of People Chatting

First of all, it is a challenge for your tongue. As a rule, it is a non-sense sentence, which most remarkable merit is that it helps to significantly improve some of your speech struggles when trying to pronounce some words or letters. Most of the time they are fun and illogical, only in some cases a tongue twister will make sense.

Who is it for? Primarily, these are for speakers of English as a second language. They help them to be more competitive when the time for exams passing comes. Let’s take, for example, English native speakers. Yes, they also are interested in such tongue twisters; however, it is mostly for entertainment goals and does not have to do anything with learning. Nevertheless, such exercises for lips and tongue may really make only good for everyone who wants to sound better than they do now or even get rid of their dialect! If to look at it closer, there are a few discrepancies between nations and their accent peculiarities.

Koreans and Chinese, for example, have no difference between the letters “R” and “L” and they need tongue twisters like “I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream” or “Red blood, bad blood”.

Spanish native speakers can tell you their struggle with pronouncing the letters “B” and “V” as different sounds as in their language those are unseparated. “Vivacious Val vacuumed Violet’s very vivid vehicle” is a great example of tongue twisters to make this difference be more evident.

“If a dog chews shoes, whose shoes does he choose?” – this is a good practice of two letters that make one sounds in English. It can also be th, ch, wh and sh digraphs.

For those, having a bit of trouble with vowels, here is a great chance to give it a brain thing:

“Eddie edited Earl’s easy music”

Reasons to Use Tongue Twisters for Your Personal Development


“Peter Piper picked a peck, a peck of pickled peppers.”

This tongue twister that is concentrated on alliteration will help you to practice the consonants and especially the letter “p”. It is a special struggle for children and requires well-coordinated articulation system.

As a result, pronunciation is not something you will never achieve but it still demands a portion of hard work and motivation. If you keep practicing, no matter how long it will take, the result will be seen and heard for sure.

The list of reasons can be only complete with your help as only you know why you learn to pronounce letters and why you are reading this article. However:

  1. You are learning a foreign language and want to assimilate, which is – to lose your accent.
  2. Your articulation system is not well-developed but it can be in a few lessons already.
  3. You are going to work in a position of an M.C., singer, journalist, tour guide, interpreter and require a fluent and understandable academic English.
  4. You have decided to join drama club which also is a great challenge for your pronunciation skills.
  5. You need to pass a language test and speaking part terrifies you the most as the examiners have simply not understand what you are trying to say.

Special Tips

  • Learn to pronounce the tongue twisters correctly(!). A 100% attentiveness when learning the right pronunciation is needed;
  • Practice in front of a mirror to see how your lips and tongue moves when saying it aloud;
  • Some letters may need aspiration and it is a great way to make your result be seen. Just hold a piece of paper in front of your face when saying the letter and see how it moves from your breath;
  • Make it competitive, some tongue twisters are very short so you may repeat them a few and more times and afterwards make a game trying to say it better than your opponent;
  • Watch yourself. Naturally that you do it when being in the pronunciation classes and you are focused on talking correctly, but try to watch your speech during an ordinary conversation and control your speech speed when needed;
  • Learning unites! So, initiate a group of interested improving their accent or even a club of oratory and see so many people really needed it. Together it is much easier to enjoy the learning process.

So, now we are pretty sure you want to try yourself in tongue twister pronunciation program, just a few words as a conclusion:

Snickety snackety snuck, trickety trackety truck, clickety clackety cluck!

Have fun!

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