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Tackle New Year Resolutions Like a Pro

New Year Party

The start of each year is a great time to analyze your past year. You may have had some great memories and experiences, but you strive to develop and reach more goals in the next year. That is why almost everyone composes New Year resolutions, as they are a great motivational factor that keeps you pumped and productive. However, not many of those promises last even until the start of the semester or even your first original essay unless you write them with So, what is the secret behind writing and keeping those promises? This article will tell you not only of some ways to tackle your New Year resolutions, but also how to be realistic and fruitful, promising only those things that you are definitely going to accomplish.

Let’s Compose Them

No one really thinks about it, but a great part of success lies in the correct way of composing your resolutions. Take a look at some of the tricks that will help you greatly in this endeavor.


Instead of writing “eat healthier” or “be kinder to people”, choose a more down to earth approach. Set goals that are understandable and have a really easy way of doing them. Write “eat salad as dinner three times a week” or “ask mom if she needs help every weekend”. Not only this will help you to hit the bull’s eye, every time you do one of these simple tasks, you will feel like you are getting something productive done, and following the right path.


Make them brief and clear. This does not mean that you need to simplify your promises, but rather do not overcomplicate them. They should look neat on your list, and be easy to remember. Once you write them, you need to be able to remember each of them, in order to follow through exactly the way you want it.


Football Goal

Do not set goals that you cannot achieve. If you want to become a writer, it is useless for you to write a resolution that states “become a writer”. Instead, focus on smaller things that will set you on the road to this task, for example “write online blog everyday” or “write 5000 words per week”. This way, you will have something amazing to look back on, once the year is gone. Sure, you will not become a writer in a year, because that is very unrealistic, but you will have paved the road for becoming them a day in the near future.

Time Schedule

Just like you may have noticed from the previous pieces of advice, it is better to stick your tasks in a clear time schedule. Whenever we think “I will do it someday”, you are putting something further away in your mind drawer. Why not make that someday in a specific time? Thus, you can pen in your resolutions directly in a calendar, rather then a list, and in such way you will profit greatly. You can also compose a table where you can tick the accomplishments, and each tick will give you a boost and some courage to proceed.

Let’s Keep Them

Writing resolutions is nothing compared to actually keeping them all year long. Our team has compiled some tips on how to make your resolutions work. You can check this webpage out, if you need more tips.

Baby Steps

Remember that nothing is done easily and in one day. Each big dream you have is the prize on top of a difficult ladder. If you work every day towards it, you will have no problem getting that prize. Be realistic and get joy from every small thing you do. If your resolution was to save a little money every week, congratulate yourself on saving, even if it is just a few dollars.

Visible Place


If you write those promises in your notebook, and then put that notebook on the shelf, you will forget about your motivation really quickly. The best way would be to attach the resolutions to your fridge, your corkboard, your door – some place where you cannot help but look at them. If other members of your dorm or your family see them, it will only be better, as you will keep your promises so as not to appear lazy or unproductive. However, the best place would be to put them online where absolutely every single one of your friends will see them.

Find Time

Consider this aspect even before writing out your promises. If you want to get fitter, will you have time to go for a jog every morning or visit the gym at least four times a week? Will you be comfortable sacrificing some of your leisure time to nail your goals? Be truthful in your answers and you will go a long way.

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